Serialized Form

  • Package

    • Class

      class BIDataApplicationParmsDTO extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • clientIdentCodePattern
          String clientIdentCodePattern
          Value for the search criterion to find statistical data of events of a specific client. Can only be different from the ApplicationFacadeParmsDTO.client (session client) or empty (client independent application) if the session user has admin rights. Otherwise the session client is used for filtering.
        • clientSystemIdPattern
          String clientSystemIdPattern
          Value for the search criterion to find statistical data of events related to a specific partner system.
        • profileIdentCodePattern
          String profileIdentCodePattern
          Value for the search criterion to find statistical data of events using a specific profile - belonging to the specified client. Will be ignored, if there is no client specified or the specified client is not accessible.
          See Also:
        • searchDateFromPattern
          Date searchDateFromPattern
          Value, accurate to the day, for the search criterion to find statistical data of events that occurred on or after a specific date. Has to be specified together with BIDataApplicationParmsDTO.searchDateToPattern. If at least one date is not specified or the search period is specified invalid, the default search period will be used.
        • searchDateToPattern
          Date searchDateToPattern
          Value, accurate to the day, for the search criterion to find statistical data of events that occurred on or before a specific date. Has to be specified together with BIDataApplicationParmsDTO.searchDateFromPattern. If at least one date is not specified or the search period is specified invalid, the default search period will be used.
    • Class

      class BIDataKeyFiguresParmsDTO extends BIDataApplicationParmsDTO implements Serializable
    • Class

      class BIDataOverviewParmsDTO extends BIDataApplicationParmsDTO implements Serializable
    • Class

      class ManualAddressCheckAFParmsDTO extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • profileIdentCode
          String profileIdentCode
          The ident code of the Compliance profile in Trade Compliance Management. The value must be a valid ident code of a profile customized in Trade Compliance Management for the client identified by the ApplicationFacadeParmsDTO (see customizing of Trade Compliance Management). The ident code may be null in which case either the default profile for the client (if any) will be taken or the user is asked to select a profile.
          (max. length: 20).
    • Class

      class ManualProtocolEntryAFParmsDTO extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • clientSystemId
          String clientSystemId
          A unique id of the client system for protocolling.
          The ASSIST4 host system should use a value like "AS4" and the Plug-in for SAP® a value like "SAP_[SAP system]_[SAP client]".

          Max. Length: 20.
        • info
          String info
          A textual description of the event, which may be preset by this field. In fact this is the main field in the editor, but it may be preset as well.
          Max. length: 60000

          May be null.
        • level
          String level
          level is implied as informational for manual events
          The severity level of the logged event. Manual events are implicitly of info level. Therefore this parameter is no longer supported.
        • module
          String module
          One of the two constants "ComplianceScreening" or "ExportControl", for the module this event belongs to.

          May be null, in which case the user has to select the module with a combobox.
        • profileIdentCode
          String profileIdentCode
          The ident code of the Compliance profile in Trade Compliance Management. The value must be a valid ident code of a profile customized in Trade Compliance Management for the client identified by the ApplicationFacadeParmsDTO.

          May be null. The profile is optional for protocolling.
        • referenceId
          String referenceId
          Reference key for the protocol, e.g. current user, mandant, pc, delivery note number or debitor number.
          This field is for internal technical use to build references between the compliance protocols and the client system.
          Max. length: 1000

          However: The user may overwrite this field in the editor. There is no second field like referenceComment in this class, because it is not acceptable for a user to enter two fields.

          May be null.
    • Class

      class ScreeningProtocolAFParmsDTO extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • clientIdentCode
          String clientIdentCode
          Value for the search criterion to find the specific log for the given client.
        • clientReferenceComment
          String clientReferenceComment
          Value for the search criterion to find the specific log for the given reference comment.
        • clientSystemId
          String clientSystemId
          Value for the search criterion to find the specific log for the given partner system.
        • referenceId
          String referenceId
          Value for the search criterion to find the specific log for the given reference (internal).
        • title
          String title
          The title to be displayed by the af
    • Class

      class ScreeningProtocolsAFParmsDTO extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • clientIdentCodePattern
          String clientIdentCodePattern
          Value for the search criterion to find logs of a specific client.
        • clientSystemIdPattern
          String clientSystemIdPattern
          Value for the search criterion to find logs of a specific partner system.
        • referenceIdPattern
          String referenceIdPattern
          Value for the search criterion to find logs of a specific reference (internal).
        • title
          String title
          The title to be displayed by the af
    • Class

      class TerrorAddressAFParmsDTO extends Object implements Serializable
    • Class

      class TerrorListAFParmsDTO extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • groupName
          String groupName
          The group name or technical id of a terror list.
        • name
          String name
          Use groupName instead.
  • Package

    • Class

      class AddressDTO extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • addressType
          String addressType
          The MatchParametersDTO.addressTypeVersion defines the result behavior of this field when calling IRexBF.getMatchingAddresses(AddressPatternDTO, MatchParametersDTO).
          If addressTypeVersion MatchParametersDTO.ADDRESS_TYPE_VERSION_0 is used, the possible return values of addressType are AddressDTO.ADDRESS_TYPE_COMPANY, AddressDTO.ADDRESS_TYPE_INDIVIDUAL, AddressDTO.ADDRESS_TYPE_BANK and AddressDTO.ADDRESS_TYPE_VESSEL.
          If addressTypeVersion MatchParametersDTO.ADDRESS_TYPE_VERSION_1 is used, the possible return values of AddressDTO.addressType are AddressDTO.ADDRESS_TYPE_ENTITY, AddressDTO.ADDRESS_TYPE_INDIVIDUAL, AddressDTO.ADDRESS_TYPE_MEANS_OF_TRANSPORT and AddressDTO.ADDRESS_TYPE_UNKNOWN.
          Depending on the profile settings, this field might be relevant for the address check.
        • aliasGroupNo
          String aliasGroupNo
          Number or name of the group under which all addresses are summarized describing the same person or organization. (length=20)
        • city
          String city
          City of the address. (length=100)
          This field is relevant for the address check.
        • cityOfBirth
          String cityOfBirth
          Additional information only for individuals: City of birth (length=50)
        • cityPostbox
          String cityPostbox
          The city of the P.O. box, if the city of the P.O. box differs from the city of the street address. (length=100)
        • countryISO
          String countryISO
          Two character ISO code of the country, e.g. "US" or "DE".
          This field is relevant for the address check.
        • countryOfBirthISO
          String countryOfBirthISO
          Additional information only for individuals: Two-letter ISO code for the country of birth.
        • dateOfBirth
          String dateOfBirth
          The date of birth in textual representation, e.g. "1962-08-20" or just "1962" or other date formats. (Only human-readable.) (length=20)
        • district
          String district
          District of the address, resp. line 2 of the city.
          In German: Ortsteil (length=50)
        • email
          String email
          Email address. (length=256)
        • fax
          String fax
          Fax number. (length=40)
        • free1
          String free1
          Additional field for future use. (length=50)
        • free2
          String free2
          Additional field for future use. (length=50)
        • free3
          String free3
          Additional field for future use. (length=50)
        • free4
          String free4
          Additional field for future use. (length=50)
        • free5
          String free5
          Additional field for future use. (length=50)
        • free6
          String free6
          Additional field for future use. (length=50)
        • free7
          String free7
          Additional field for future use. (length=50)
        • ids
          AddressIdDTO[] ids
          Optional IDs of the address, e.g. like DUNS number or passport number.
        • info
          String info
          Summary additional information, e.g. alias names or information composed of other field like position, passportData, dateOfBirth. It is supposed to display this field to the user instead of (length=1000)
        • name
          String name
          Full name of the address, e.g. name of the company (address line 1 - 4) or prename and surname of an individual. (length=200)
          Depending on the profile settings, this field might be relevant for the address check.
        • name1
          String name1
          Additional information only for companies: The first line of the addresses name. (length=50)
          Depending on the profile settings, this field might be relevant for the address check.
        • name2
          String name2
          Additional information only for companies: The second line of the addresses name. (length=50)
          Depending on the profile settings, this field might be relevant for the address check.
        • name3
          String name3
          Additional information only for companies: The third line of the addresses name. (length=50)
          Depending on the profile settings, this field might be relevant for the address check.
        • name4
          String name4
          Additional information only for companies: The fourth line of the addresses name. (length=50)
          Depending on the profile settings, this field might be relevant for the address check.
        • nationalityISO
          String nationalityISO
          Additional information only for individuals: Two-letter ISO code for the nationality.
        • niNumber
          String niNumber
          Additional identification tokens or numbers of individuals. (length=50)
        • passportData
          String passportData
          Additional information only for individuals: Textual information about the passport, e.g. passport no. and date of issue. (length=200)
        • pc
          String pc
          Postal code of the city. (length=40)
          This field is relevant for the address check.
        • pcPostbox
          String pcPostbox
          The postal code of the P.O. box, if the postal code of the P.O. box differs from the postal code of the street address. (length=40)
        • position
          String position
          Additional information only for individuals: Textual information about the position of the individual. (length=200)
        • postbox
          String postbox
          The P.O. box of the address. (length=20)
          Depending on the profile settings, this field might be relevant for the address check.
        • prenames
          String prenames
          Additional information only for individuals: The prenames of a person. (length=50)
        • street
          String street
          Street of the address, including house number. (length=100)
          This field is relevant for the address check.
        • surname
          String surname
          Additional information only for individuals: The surname of a person. (length=50)
        • telNo
          String telNo
          Telephone number. (length=40)
        • title
          String title
          Additional information only for individuals: The title of a person. (length=20)
    • Class

      class AddressMatchDTO extends AddressDTO implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • embargoArea
          String embargoArea
          The ident code of the embargo area the match has been found for. Only filled in case of an embargo match (@see AddressMatchDTO.matchType).

          Max. length: 20.
        • hasMoreDetails
          Boolean hasMoreDetails
          If true, the matching address has more detail information, not returned with this DTO.
          You can use IRexAF.terrorAddress(, with the AddressMatchDTO.internalAddressId to get an URL for displaying the restricted party address details.
        • internalAddressId
          String internalAddressId
          Internal id of the found address.
          For compatibility with clients not aware of the later introduced field AddressMatchDTO.matchType, this is the constant "-", if the match is not based on a restricted party address (e.g. an embargo area match).

        • listAbbreviation
          String listAbbreviation
          Abbreviation of the restricted party list where the address was found.
          For compatibility with clients not aware of the later introduced field AddressMatchDTO.matchType, this is the constant "-", if the match is not based on a restricted party address (e.g. an embargo area match).

        • listGroupName
          String listGroupName
          Internal technical identifier of restricted party list where the address was found. For compatibility with clients not aware of the later introduced field AddressMatchDTO.matchType, this is the constant "-", if the match is not based on a restricted party address (e.g. an embargo area match).

        • listName
          String listName
          Description of the restricted party list where the address was found. For compatibility with clients not aware of the later introduced field AddressMatchDTO.matchType, this is the constant "-", if the match is not based on a restricted party address (e.g. an embargo area match).

        • matchType
          String matchType
          Type of the found match, which can be one of the following constants:
          Max. length: 40.
        • restrictionDate
          Date restrictionDate
          Restriction date of the found address.
        • restrictionSource
          String restrictionSource
          Restriction source of the found address.

        • restrictionType
          String restrictionType
          Restriction type of the found address.

        • similarity
          Integer similarity
          Measure of similarity of the address between 60 and 100.
        • sourceWebLink
          String sourceWebLink
          Link pointing to the source of the restriction.
        • updateDate
          Date updateDate
          Last changed date of the restricted party address. Format: yyyy-MM-dd.
        • updateId
          String updateId
          Address number of the restricted party address. Note that this number is not necessarily stable over time.

    • Class

      class AddressPatternDTO extends AddressDTO implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • condition
          AddressCheckConditionDTO condition
          An optional condition used by checks of this address. If present, only Good Guys that either have no condition or that meet the condition given here are considered.
        • referenceComment
          String referenceComment
          User readable reference comment for protocols, e.g. current user, current pc, delivery note number or or debitor number.
          max. length 3000 Example:
          Kundennummer: 4711
          Mandant: 800
          User: AFIENTW
          Pc: PC-PHILIPP
        • referenceId
          String referenceId
          Reference key for match results and protocols, e.g. current user, mandant, pc, delivery note number or debitor number.
          This field is for internal technical use to build references between the compliance protocols and the client system.
          max. length 255 Example:
    • Class

      class BatchMatchResultDTO extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • matchFound
          boolean matchFound
          The result of the match. True if found, false if not found.
        • referenceComment
          String referenceComment
          In this field the same value is returned as passed with the corresponding AddressPatternDTO. (length=3000)
          See Also:
        • referenceId
          String referenceId
          In this field the same value is returned as passed with the corresponding AddressPatternDTO (length=255)
          See Also:
        • wasGoodGuy
          boolean wasGoodGuy
          True if no match found because the address is defined as GoodGuy else false.
    • Class

      class GoodGuyAddressDTO extends AddressDTO implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • clientIdentCode
          String clientIdentCode
          Ident code of the client in Trade Compliance Management. The value must be a valid ident code of a client customized in Trade Compliance Management. The clientIdentCode and the profileIdentCode specify parameters of the called web service method.
          This field must be filled, otherwise an exception will be thrown.
          Max length: 10
        • clientSystemId
          String clientSystemId
          The unique id of the calling system used for logging.
          The ASSIST4 host system should use a value like "AS4" and the Plug-in for SAP® a value like "SAP_[SAP system]_[SAP client]".
          Max length: 20
        • condition
          GoodGuyConditionDTO condition
          Optional condition that represents the context by which the Good Guy is considered in address checks.
          See Also:
        • isActive
          Boolean isActive
          Indicates, if the Good Guy is active.
          If 'TRUE' or null, the Good Guy will be defined as an active good-guy.
          If 'FALSE', the Good Guy will be defined as inactive. Inactive good-guys are not considered while screening check.
        • organisationUnitHost
          String organisationUnitHost
          Ident code of the organizational unit, e.g., ""Sales Unit 0711". May be null. Currently not used. Functionality will be added at a later date.
          Max. Length: 255
        • profileIdentCode
          String profileIdentCode
          Ident code of a Compliance profile. The value must be a valid ident code of a profile customized in Trade Compliance Management and must belong to the client specified by the clientIdentCode. The clientIdentCode and the profileIdentCode specify parameters of the called web service method.
          This field must be filled, otherwise an exception will be thrown.
          Max length: 20
        • referenceComment
          String referenceComment
          Reference comment for logging.
          See Also:
        • referenceId
          String referenceId
          Reference id for logging.
          See Also:
        • userIdentification
          String userIdentification
          The users name to be used for protocolling.

          Max. Length: 100
    • Class

      class GoodGuyDefinitionResultDTO extends Object implements Serializable
    • Class

      class MatchParametersDTO extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • addressTranslateThreshold
          Integer addressTranslateThreshold
          Defines an optional similarity threshold in percentage which should be used for screening checks that were translated.
          This value is only used if the translation feature is enabled for the profile.
          This value overrides the value from the used compliance profile.
          When no value is submitted or the submitted value equals zero, the value from the Compliance profile will be used.
          Valid values are: 1 to 100.
          It is recommended to choose a value between 75 and 85.
          Values below this range can have negative effects on performance and on the result quality.
          Max. Length: 3.
        • addressTypeVersion
          String addressTypeVersion
        • addrMatchWithoutNameThreshold
          Integer addrMatchWithoutNameThreshold
          Defines an optional similarity threshold in percentage which should be used for screening checks without name.
          This value overrides the value from the used compliance profile.
          When no value is submitted or the submitted value equals zero, the value from the Compliance profile will be used.
          Valid values are: 1 to 100.
          It is recommended to choose a value between 75 and 85.
          Values below this range can have negative effects on performance and on the result quality.
          Max. Length: 3.
        • checkType
          String checkType
          Internal use only. Leave this field empty when implementing the webservice.
          See Also:
        • clientIdentCode
          String clientIdentCode
          Ident code of the client in Trade Compliance Management. The value must be a valid ident code of a client customized in Trade Compliance Management. The clientIdentCode and the profileIdentCode specify parameters of the called web service method.
          This field must be filled, otherwise an exception will be thrown.
          Max. Length: 10.
        • clientSystemId
          String clientSystemId
          The unique id of the calling system used for logging.
          The ASSIST4 host system should use a value like "AS4" and the Plug-in for SAP® a value like "SAP_[SAP system]_[SAP client]".
          Max. Length: 20.
        • considerGoodGuys
          boolean considerGoodGuys
          If true content of goodGuyListNames or good guy list names of given profile will be considered in address check, if false the good guy lists will be ignored. Default value is true. This switch is especially useful to check good guys themselves, as if they were NOT defined as good guys.
        • organisationUnitHost
          String organisationUnitHost
          Ident code of the organizational unit, e.g., ""Sales Unit 0711". May be null. Currently not used. Functionality will be added at a later date.
          Max. Length: 255
        • profileIdentCode
          String profileIdentCode
          Ident code of a Compliance profile. The value must be a valid ident code of a profile customized in Trade Compliance Management and must belong to the client specified by the clientIdentCode. The clientIdentCode and the profileIdentCode specify parameters of the called web service method.
          This field must be filled, otherwise an exception will be thrown.
          Max. Length: 20.
        • suppressLogging
          boolean suppressLogging
          If true, the address screening operation will not be logged, thus match handling in Trade Compliance Management will not be possible.
          If omitted or false, the address screening operation will be logged.
        • threshold
          Integer threshold
          Define the similarity threshold in percentage which should be used for screening checks.
          Optionally overrides the value from the Compliance profile used.
          In most cases, this value should be left empty.
          When no value is submitted or the submitted value equals zero, the value from the Compliance profile will be used.
          Valid values are: 1 to 100.
          It is recommended to choose a value between 75 and 85.
          Values below this range can have negative effects on performance and on the result quality.
          Max. Length: 3.
        • userIdentification
          String userIdentification
          The user name to be used for logging. Purely informational.

          Max. Length: 100
    • Class

      class ProfileDTO extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • identCode
          String identCode
          The internal identcode of the profile
          (max. length: 20)
          Prefer using the getter/setter to accessing this field, to let the DTO convert all identCodes to upperCase.
        • name
          String name
          The human-readable name of the profile
          (max. length: 60)