All Classes and Interfaces

An amount of money with a value and an currency ISO code.
A complete address of a company.
Masterfile data for company extension data
Masterfile Transfer data object for a company.
DTO to hold processing status information for one CompanyMFDTO.
Masterfile data for company role
Contains data for contacting a person.
CuboidDimensionsDTO with length, width, height and quantityUnit.
Master file data for a currency rate.
Messages for this particular item, e.g.
Business facade for common logistics functions.
A quantity with a value and a quantity unit.
The quantity unit type is specified by the usage context, i.e.
A quantity with a value, a quantity unit and a quantity unit type.
Request for setting a block of company master file data.
Response for setting company master file data.
If the response has any errors, at least one company was not created or updated.
Request for setting a block of currency rate master file data.
Response for setting currency rate master file data.
Messages for this particular item, e.g.