Class LicenseDTO


public class LicenseDTO extends Object
Represents a license from LM with almost all of its data in response of ILicenseManagementBF.getLicense(GetLicenseRequestDTO).

The following license data are not included:
  • Printable documents
  • Attachments (neither of the license nor of the required documents)
  • Snapshots of the license before an update
See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final String STATUS_INITIAL
      Initial status of the license. It indicates that not all necessary data to reach one of the other states have been specified.
      See Also:

      public static final String STATUS_APPLIED
      Status indicating that for the license, an application has been sent to the authorities.
      See Also:

      public static final String STATUS_APPROVED
      Status indicating that for the license, an application has been sent to the authorities and it is already approved by the authorities.
      See Also:

      public static final String STATUS_REFUSED
      Status indicating that the license has been refused by the authorities.
      See Also:

      public static final String STATUS_INACTIVE
      Status indicating that the license has all necessary data to be active, but it has not been set to active yet (or reset to inactive).
      See Also:

      public static final String STATUS_ACTIVE
      Status indicating that the license can be used in an export control check.
      See Also:

      public static final String STATUS_WITHDRAWN
      Status indicating that the license has been withdrawn by the authorities.
      See Also:

      public static final String STATUS_CLOSED
      Status indicating that the license is no longer used.
      See Also:

      public static final String USAGE_WARN_CONTEXT_LICENSE
      License monitoring: Indicates that the quantity or amount of the license should be monitored at the license item level (release of orders).
      See Also:

      public static final String USAGE_WARN_CONTEXT_MAIN_APPROVAL
      License monitoring: Indicates that the quantity or amount of the license should be monitored at the main approval level (release of deliveries).
      See Also:
    • lastChange

      public Date lastChange
      Date of the last change of the license. The date has a technical character and is therefore not always the same as the date of the last log entry for the license.
    • licenseId

      public String licenseId
      The unique ID of the license.

      Max. length: 100.
    • licenseNumber

      public String licenseNumber
      The number of the license. The meaning of this number depends on the license type. It is the registration number for general licenses, the agreement number for agreements, and the license number for other license types.

      Max. length: 100.
    • name

      public String name
      The name of the license.

      Max. length: 250.
    • description

      public String description
      The description of the license.

      Max. length: 1,000.
    • validFrom

      public Date validFrom
      Date beginning on which the license is applicable.
    • validTo

      public Date validTo
      Date up to and including which the license is applicable.
    • organisationUnitHost

      public String organisationUnitHost
      The organisational unit of the host for which the license is requested.
      Max. length: 50.
    • approvalConditions

      public String approvalConditions
      Additional conditions of the license: conditions, limitations, obligations, revocation caveats, etc. One possible condition is the forwarding of a movement certificate. The export license is valid only if all approval conditions stated in this field have been met.

      Max. length: 1,000.
    • additionalInformation

      public String additionalInformation
      Free text field to provide further information, such as a specific purpose. For US ITAR licenses, the contents of this field are used as the "Specific Purpose" in the license application document.

      Max. length: 1,000.
    • status

      public String status
      Status of the license. Possible values are:
    • clientReferenceId

      public String clientReferenceId
      Internal reference number that serves for internal identification.

      Max. length: 255.
    • notificationInterval

      public Integer notificationInterval
      License monitoring: number of days between notification e-mails. If the interval is "0" (zero), a notification is sent every time the license is checked.

      Max. length: 3.
    • notificationRecipientAddresses

      public String notificationRecipientAddresses
      License monitoring: recipients listed here are notified if an event for the license occurs. Multiple e-mail addresses are possible, separated by a semicolon.

      Max. length: 400.
    • constraintNote

      public String constraintNote
      If a restriction is found during the export control check, the licenses are checked for applicability. The results of the export control check show whether a license is applicable. This field is used to add a note to the license. The user sees this note in the results of the export control check.

      Max. length: 10,000.
    • invertDestinationCountries

      public Boolean invertDestinationCountries
      Indicates that the list of countries and country groups of consignee and destination is inverted. In this case, the license will only be applicable for consignee and destination countries not on the country list and not in any of the country groups.
    • exportType

      public String exportType
      The way in which the goods are exported.

      Max. length: 64.
    • enduse

      public String enduse
      The end user's intended use of the goods.

      Max. length: 250.
    • excludedEndUses

      public LicenseExcludedEndUseDTO[] excludedEndUses
      End-uses excluded by the license.
    • excludedRfcs

      public LicenseExcludedRFCDTO[] excludedRfcs
      RFCs (reasons for control) excluded for the license.
    • contactPerson

      public String contactPerson
      Contact person for this license - at the licensing authority, for example.

      Max. length: 200.
    • orderNumber

      public String orderNumber
      Order number or file reference for company-internal assignment.

      Max. length: 50.
    • applicationNumber

      public String applicationNumber
      Number under which the license application was submitted to the licensing authority.

      Max. length: 20.
    • applicationDate

      public Date applicationDate
      Date on which the license application form was submitted.
    • hasNotificationRequirement

      public Boolean hasNotificationRequirement
      Indicates that the use of the license must be reported regularly to the licensing authority.
    • expiryWarnDate

      public Date expiryWarnDate
      License monitoring: the date on which the first notification should be sent that the license is about to expire. Notifications for this event are sent only if the license has the status of "ACTIVE".
    • expiryRemindedDate

      public Date expiryRemindedDate
      License monitoring: the date on which the last notification was sent that the license is about to expire.
    • usageWarnThreshold

      public Integer usageWarnThreshold
      License monitoring: percentage of the used quantity or amount of a license item or main approval that triggers a notification.

      Max. length: 3.
    • usageWarnThresholdReminded

      public Date usageWarnThresholdReminded
      License monitoring: the date on which the last notification was sent that the amount/quantity usage threshold had been exceeded.
    • usageWarnContext

      public String usageWarnContext
      License monitoring: indicates whether the quantity or amount should be monitored at the license item level (release of orders; value: "LICENSE") or at the main approval level (release of deliveries; value: "MAIN_APPROVAL" ).
    • reasonForTemporaryImport

      public String reasonForTemporaryImport
      The reason for a temporary import. For example, for a DSP-61 this can be a combination of "overhaul/repair", "modification/upgrade", or a free text.

      Is specified only, if temporary imports are supported by the license type.

      Max. length: 500.
    • route

      public String route
      Specifies, as part of the purpose of a temporary import, which route the material takes. For example, for a DSP-61 this can be either "Return to the foreign country from where shipped" or "Transshipment to a third country".

      Is specified only, if temporary imports are supported by the license type.

      Max. length: 100.
    • ultimateDestination

      public String ultimateDestination
      A list of countries or regions where the goods will ultimately be used or remain. This list is needed for the license application for DSPs, for example.

      Is specified only, if temporary imports are supported by the license type.

      Max. length: 100.
    • amendmentNumber

      public String amendmentNumber
      Number of the current requested amendment to the agreement.

      Is specified only, if the license is an ITAR agreement by its license type.

      Max. length: 30.
    • isSubLicenseeAllowed

      public Boolean isSubLicenseeAllowed
      Indicates that the ITAR agreement allows sub-licensing to a US sub-licensee.

      Is only relevant, if the license is an ITAR agreement by its license type.
    • isAllowedForAutoClearingUsage

      public Boolean isAllowedForAutoClearingUsage
      Indicates that the license can be applied for automatic approval of check transactions. The license can be applied automatically if its data clearly matches the transaction item and the respective jurisdiction.
    • licenseStatement

      public LicenseStatementDTO licenseStatement
      Data to be printed on shipping documents as required by the authorities.
    • type

      public LicenseTypeDTO type
      The type of license defines what has to be entered in the license and how the license is used at export control checks.

      Max. length: 20.
    • jurisdiction

      public JurisdictionDTO jurisdiction
      Jurisdiction on which this license is based. It is implicitly defined by the license type.
    • licenseCountry

      public CountryDTO licenseCountry
      Country whose approving authority issued the license. For EU countries and license requirements based on EU law, its ISO code may be EU.
    • currency

      public CurrencyDTO currency
      Shipments using this license need to be logged in this currency. This is especially important for licenses that require notification, because some national licensing authorities require the logging and reporting of the usages in the national currency.
    • rebaselinedAgreementId

      public String rebaselinedAgreementId
      The unique ID of the agreement that has been created by re-baselining this agreement.

      Is only relevant, if the license is an ITAR agreement by its license type.

      Max. length: 100.
    • licensePartnersCompany

      public LicensePartnerCompanyDTO[] licensePartnersCompany
      Companies as business partners that may or may not be involved in export transactions that are approved by applying the license.
    • licensePartnersCountry

      public LicensePartnerCountryDTO[] licensePartnersCountry
      Countries as business partners that may be involved in export transactions that are approved by applying the license.

      Is specified only, if the countries as business partners are allowed by the license type.
    • licensePartnersCompanyGroup

      public LicensePartnerCompanyGroupDTO[] licensePartnersCompanyGroup
      Company groups as business partners that may be involved in export transactions that are approved by applying the license.

      Is specified only, if the company groups as business partners are allowed by the license type.
    • customsDocuments

      public CustomsDocumentDTO[] customsDocuments
      The customs documents associated with the license.
    • destinationCountries

      public LicenseDestinationCountryDTO[] destinationCountries
      The countries of consignee and destination of the license. This can be a list of allowed or excluded countries depending of invertDestinationCountries.

      In terms of license applicability, if both the country/country-group list and the business partners with the "Consignee" or "End-user" roles are defined, then the business partners take greater priority than the countries in the country list.
    • destinationCountryGroups

      public LicenseDestinationCountryGroupDTO[] destinationCountryGroups
      The countries groups of consignee and destination of the license. This can be a list of allowed or excluded country groups depending of invertDestinationCountries.

      In terms of license applicability, if both the country/country-group list and the business partners with the "Consignee" or "End-user" roles are defined, then the business partners take greater priority than the countries in the country list.
    • attributes

      public AttributeWithValueRangeDTO[] attributes
      Goods attributes that are included or excluded by the export license. They are considered in the applicability checks of the license. If multiple goods attributes (e.g., commodity codes and export control numbers) have been specified then the license can only be proposed if the goods to be exported fulfill all the attributes.

      Is only specified, if the license supports attributes on header level by its license type.
    • items

      public LicenseItemDTO[] items
      The commodity items of the license.

      Is only specified, if the license supports items by its license type.
    • condition

      public LicenseConditionDTO condition
      Conditions of the license.

      Is only specified, if there are conditions of the license.
    • relatedLicenses

      public RelatedLicenseDTO[] relatedLicenses
      The licenses referenced by the license.

      Is only specified if license can reference other licenses by its license type.
    • requiredDocuments

      public RequiredDocumentDTO[] requiredDocuments
      The required documents relevant for the whole license; in difference to the business partner specific ones. Required documents are documents that are required for a license to be used.

      Is only specified, if required documents are supported for the license by its license type.
    • updates

      public LicenseUpdateDTO[] updates
      The updates of the license.

      Is only specified, if the license supports updates by its license type.
  • Constructor Details

    • LicenseDTO

      public LicenseDTO()